Week 5 Practical - Project 2A: Exercise 1 (Photo Manipulation) 

Portfolio: Digital Imaging Exercise 01

                                                                                                Part 1: Shazam

This week, I complete Practical 5 as instructed by the tutorial video. Using the quick selection tool, layer mask, filters, and colour correction to finish the tasks.

Firstly, I use the quick selection tool to subtract background. To crop out Shazam with more nuanced, I use the Command + ‘+/-‘to zoom in and zoom out while also adjusting the brush size to make it more consistent. After that, add a layer mask and apply it to subtract the background. 

Moreover, I copy & paste the Shazam layer to heart mansion and use Command + T (to maintain the aspect ratio, hold the shift button) to resize and reposition it with the background. 

Next, I adjust the colour correction by using the colour adjustments while adding some blur filter to Shazam to make it looks more realistic. In order to make it more natural, I apply a shadow by using the brush tool and add Gaussian blur effects on it while reducing the opacity.

As Shazam's positions are beside the pool, hence it should be a reflection layer to make the illustrator look more realistic. 

                                                                                         Part 2: My Reflection

Here is my reflection.
